Thursday, July 12, 2012

How to Prevent Teen Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Communication is key when it comes to helping teens with their problems. If you are a parent, teacher or community leader who work close with teens you must always remember it's all about delivery.

There's a saying that goes like this, "It's not what you say but how you say it". It's important to note that the way we communicate has a lot to do with how teens respond to your message.

When talking to their children about drugs, a lot of parents simply say that they are the parents and their children must listen to everything they have to say. This approach puts up a wall where there isn't two-way communication so teens would rather not talk to their parents.

Why doesn't this approach work?

Research shows that teens that actively talk to their parents about their issues are happier and less likely to get involved with illegal activity such as drugs or other actions that can land them in jail.

Is Drug Education Important

Drug Education is extremely important for two reasons.

  1. Students are made aware of different drugs and the affects they have on the body.
  2. Teens with drug information make better decisions.

The best way to prevent teens from using drugs and alcohol is to talk openly about it. Believe it or not, students want to know how harmful drugs are to our bodies. As adults, we have a responsibility to make sure that teens have the resources and the knowledge to make wise decisions when confronted with drugs.

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